Environmental education

Wildlife Unlimited has developed an extensive body of experience in environmental education. For decades, we have been delivering high quality programs to school groups, community organisations and the general public. We usually deliver this education out in the field so we can provide a hands-on approach. However, we are available to come into the classroom or join a meeting to present general information about ecology, Australian native plants and animals and our projects.

We currently have the following interactive programs available:

Birds of a feather: Birds in your area – identification and key features - think beaks, bills and feathers! Join us getting up close with binoculars!

Nocturnal night-life: Learn about creatures of the night and their adaptations to living in darkness. Then come spotlighting with us to see if we can find owls, possums or spot a bat zipping past.

Tracks and traces: Be a bush detective! Who did that poo? What made those tracks? Learn to read nature like a book.

In the frog bog: Explore the world of frogs. Learn to identify frogs from their calls and even find one using a spotlight.

Going batty: We can’t hear most bat calls but using a device called an Echo Meter we can hear and explore the patterns of their calls.

Our presentations incorporate spotlighting, nature walks and surveys to make them more interactive.

Spotted Quailthrush photo with thanks to Charles Sonneman, Wildlife Unlimited.